Strong stories from all over the world expressed in art: Related to the theme of the PRIX JEUNESSE INTERNATIONAL 2018 “Strong Stories for Strong Children – Resilience and Storytelling” this year’s art contest’s theme is “The day I noticed I am strong”. Children worldwide were invited to draw a picture of a moment when they felt self-confident and good about themselves.
The art contest connected to the children’s and youth TV festival PRIX JEUNESSE INTERNATIONAL is held every two years. Currently last submissions are arriving in the PRIX JEUNESSE office in Munich. Over the last weeks every day new inspiring artworks from all over the world were delivered and now the variety of paintings is enormous. It was very exciting for us to open new packages from different countries every day and to discover all the strong pictures from strong children worldwide. The office is already packed with over 380 impressive artworks of high quality.
Through an international network of schools and institutions we were able to spread our call for entries and to reach children all over the world. The young artists – over 380 in total – come from Malaysia, Kosovo, Indonesia, Mexico, the Philippines, Montenegro, India, Slovenia, Brazil, Sri Lanka, Ghana and Bangladesh. The Children and teenagers between 5 and 17 are telling their strong stories in artworks which vary in size, shape and matter: Collages, pencil drawings, colorful pictures as well as a digital painting were submitted. In addition to their paintings the children filled in a questionnaire in order to explain the content and intention of their artwork. Behind every picture is a fascinating story related to the contest’s theme.
An international jury will decide on the 12 winner pictures which will be printed in a booklet and presented at the PRIX JEUNESSE INTERNATIONAL festival (25 – 30 May 2018 in Munich). Additionally, the three best pictures will be awarded with a trophy.
By Karla Löffelholz