Suitcase & Training
The PRIX JEUNESSE Suitcase is a training tool that carries the festival’s creative and challenging atmosphere worldwide. The Suitcase comes packed with the best and most innovative programme entries from each PRIX JEUNESSE festival. It can be combined with training programmes on specific subjects.
How to organize a PRIX JEUNESSE Suitcase Screening
The main target audience for PRIX JEUNESSE Suitcase workshops are children’s TV programme professionals, from public broadcasters, commercial stations, and the independent production scene; however, screenings can also be opened to other interested experts: educators, researchers, students.
PRIX JEUNESSE Suitcase workshops have to be moderated by an expert familiar with the festival in Munich. This can be an expert from the country or the region where the screening is conducted, or the PRIX JEUNESSE office in Munich can help find an expert from a German or European channel.
PRIX JEUNESSE Suitcase workshops can vary in length, from half a day to four or five complete days – depending on the situation, demands and possibilities in the host country.
Choice of programmes
Depending on the workshop duration, we recommend that the organizers make a selection of PRIX JEUNESSE Suitcase programmes custom-tailored to the specific needs of the country or region where the screening is being held. There might be a specific focus on certain genres or age groups, or participants might want to see a cross-section from the highlights of the last three festivals.
Additional features – Voting
Just like at the Munich festival, PRIX JEUNESSE Suitcase workshop participants can be invited to vote on the programmes presented. Voting should take place at the end of the screening of a genre or age-group block. Voting sheets, voting information and criteria can be provided by the PRIX JEUNESSE office.
PRIX JEUNESSE SUITCASE screenings for children’s audiences
PRIX JEUNESSE Suitcase screenings can also be conducted for children’s audiences. To avoid language problems – all Suitcase programmes are in their original language and have English subtitles – it is recommended to select programmes without dialogue.
Spanish PRIX JEUNESSE Suitcase
A selection of programmes from the PRIX JEUNESSE Suitcase is available with Spanish subtitles.
If you want to arrange a PRIX JEUNESSE Suitcase workshop, please contact the PRIX JEUNESSE office or the local office of the Goethe Institute in your country.
For reports on recent Suitcase activities please check our news section.