ENTRY FORM Main TV Categories Category: 11 - 15 Years Non-Fiction11 - 15 Years Fiction7 - 10 Years Non-Fiction7 - 10 Years FictionUp to 6 Years Non-FictionUp to 6 Years Fiction What is the specific age-range of the target audience? Title in English: Original Title: Director: Producer: Original Language (or indicate in case the programme has no dialogue): English: SubtitledDubbed/voiced-over Duration in Minutes: Please enter the number of minutes, from 4 up to 60 Date of First Transmission: Please use the YYYY-MM-DD format (e.g. 2022-05-31) Time of First Transmission: Please use the hour:minute format, using 24 hours (e.g. 13:45) For Serials: Episode: No: out of How Often: —Please choose an option—DailyWeeklyOther ENTERING ORGANISATION The programme is entered into the festival by the: Broadcaster / Content DistributorProducing Organisation [group entered-by-producing-company] Please fill out and send the following form to us: Broadcaster Confirmation Form 2024 [/group] BROADCASTER / CONTENT DISTRIBUTOR Name of Broadcaster / Content Distributor: City of Broadcaster / Content Distributor: Country of Broadcaster / Content Distributor: Website of Broadcaster / Content Distributor: Contact Person Broadcaster / Content Distributor First Name: Family Name: Job Title: (optional) Phone: E-Mail: PRODUCING ORGANISATION Name of Producing Company: City of Producing Company: Country of Producing Company: Website of Producing Company: Contact Person Producing Organisation First Name: Family Name: Job Title: Phone: E-Mail: Brief summary of the programme. In case of series include short summary on context: Please write between 300 – 900 characters. Characters: 0 What in particular should the jury know about your programme to better understand it (essential idea/concept/motivation behind the programme, cultural context, etc.)? Please write maximum 400 characters. Characters: 0 Deadline: 8 December 2023 Your programme entry will be filed in the PRIX JEUNESSE video library which holds PRIX JEUNESSE entries since 1964. Submission of a registration request constitutes agreement with the contest rules. I consent to the privacy policy of the PRIX JEUNESSE Foundation/PRIX JEUNESSE INTERNATIONAL. 1 – neu eingetroffen2 – unentschieden3 – registriert4 – abgelehnt PRIX JEUNESSE INTERNATIONAL Bayerischer Rundfunk D – 80335 Munich / Germany Tel: +49 – 89 – 5900 42058 info@prixjeunesse.de www.prixjeunesse.de After submission you will receive an email with the data you have entered. [group mail-to-producing][/group] [group mail-to-telecaster][/group]