Voting Sheet 2024 – Category Up To 6 Non Fiction Family Name First Name: Are you involved with a programme that competes in this category? If yes, what programme: Please note that you are not allowed to vote on any programme for which you or your organisation had creative input. Please don’t give any scores to this/these programme(s) in the list below. All programmes must receive a score. Up to 10 points can be awarded for each criteria. “0” will not be accepted. The first three programmes in each category will receive certificates; if the top rated programme achieves an average score of 7 or higher, it will also be rewarded a PRIX JEUNESSE prize-globe. # Title Target Audience Idea Script Realisation 57 ROOTS AND FRUITS 58 WHERE IS GRANDPA? 59 SECRETS 60 FUN NAM NOM CLUB: MY FRIENDS AT THE SEA 61 MITATERU-PHOSE: LET'S CHANGE PERSPECTIVES! 62 YOGUI YOGUINI / EPISODE: GRATITUDE 63 DOG SQUAD 64 FIZZY & SUDS 65 FANTUS MUSIKANTUS 66 MORITZ AND THE EXCAVATOR 67 BO BEAR SHOW