Voting Sheet 2024 – Category 11-15 Non Fiction Family Name First Name: Are you involved with a programme that competes in this category? If yes, what programme: Please note that you are not allowed to vote on any programme for which you or your organisation had creative input. Please don’t give any scores to this/these programme(s) in the list below. All programmes must receive a score. Up to 10 points can be awarded for each criteria. “0” will not be accepted. The first three programmes in each category will receive certificates; if the top rated programme achieves an average score of 7 or higher, it will also be rewarded a PRIX JEUNESSE prize-globe. # Title Target Audience Idea Script Realisation 1 DEADLY MISSION SHARK 2 IN THE TOILETS: WE HERE, WE QUEER 3 JUNK LAB 4 NO LABELS FOR US 5 REMEMBERING THE HOLOCAUST - MEMORY IN THE LIVING ROOM 6 YOU CAN'T ASK THAT 7 TIMMYLAND 8 MEET ANNE FRANK 9 MY LIFE: I WON'T STAND FOR IT 10 NEUNEINHALB KOMPAKT: WAR IN THE MIDDLE EAST 11 BY THE SEA